Sunday, 4 October 2009

Telling of the truth

The financial world has seen clear sings that the worst of the recession is over, but for retailers the sings of unemployment rising and consumer spending not picking up seems like trouble. The current news about Christmas is that it is going to be a bleak one. The forecasts say it might even be worse than last year.
The news about this topic is mostly straight forward. Different articles, different sources confirm the same thing, panic, and with reliable data to back their claims. All of the articles state analysis and personal views of major figures in the sector. The way they are written is clear and they give the reader enough information about the situation. A slightly different, more interesting way of writing the article was in the article done by timesonline. It was written in a more cheerful and colorful way, making it more fun to read but at the same time giving all of the important information across.

1) The Press Association ''Financial distress retailers rise''
2) BBC News ''Retailers face 'bleak' Christmas'
3) Timesonline ''Begbies Traynor predicts Christmas ‘hell for high street’''

1 comment:

  1. Milos, I understand you've had an operation and therefore tyoing might be hard for you. Hope to see you next time. In the meantime this is a good blog but needs fleshing out. I need to see more of your critical analysis and opinion. Another blog that touched on retail sales and might be a cgood comparison for you to check out is:
